Monday, September 12, 2011

My Daily Impact: September 10 and 11, 2011

This is the 19th posting to this blog.

On Saturday Morning, September 10th, I rode the e-scooter downtown to walk with the guys. We went to breakfast afterwards, and I had a sausage chedar scramble. It was on special, and it was good despite it having pork in it. Of course there was the usual plate and utensils to be washed, but no napkin. I can be pretty careful eating when I want to be!

I did some miscelaneous chores around the house, and then went on a quest. I found a guy on Craigslist who was giving away two sliding glass doors. This mad scientist has plans for these lovely gems! I did have to drive to Longwood to get them, and that required the use of the van. The round trip was 46 miles which would be about 40 pounds of CO2.

A group of us went to dinner at I-Hop later, and I had the Talapia dinner. I have no idea where this fish came from, so I do not know its impact from miles traveled. One of the guys had a T-bone stake, and I was able to claim the bone for Astro. The bone was wrapped in plastic wrap, and put into a plastic bag. The wrap went in the trash, and the bag became a trash bag for the kitchen.

Total grid power use for the day was 9 KWh.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I put the flag out out of respect for anyone who last a loveone on that fateful day ten years ago. I have definite views on how our country handled that day, but this is not the forum for that. I rode the Honda to church, and to my eneving Thai Chi session. Total miles were about 40, with anout 7 pounds of CO2. Breakfast was eggs, potatoes, toast and coffee. Dinner was Chipotle chicken bowl. No pork or red meat, but a paper bowl and plastic fork for the trash, and an aluminum lid for recycling or reuse.

Total grid power use for the house was 11 KWh. It was back to being hot and humid again.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My neighbor Peggy asked me if I wanted to ride to Ikea for breakfast. I went along, and had 4 slices of bacon (2 of mine and her two). Again, I was neet, and did not use a napkin. I will count about 4 pounds of CO2 for that trip to breakfast.

I did some projects around the house including attaching a pole to my electric hedge trimmer. I hope to avoid climbing atop the ladder on both sides of the hedge toreach the whole top of the bushes. I also worked on the e-scooter. I was able to raise the seat 1 1/2 inches. I no longer feel like it is such a kid's scooter, but I plan to pad the seat with a couple of inches more to make it feel more like the Honda. This project required a quick trip to Home Depot on the Honda for some metric screws. The trip made about 1.5 or 2 pounds of CO2.

For dinner, I finally finished that fried chicken I bought the other night. One or two more days, and it would have had to go in the trash. So far I feel good, lets hope that continues!

I rode the newly improved e-scooter down here to the library to write this blog. It does feel more comfortable, and I hope it treats my back better than it did in the past.

I still have not seen the windmill turn, but it may have spun last night while I was away. The storm that followed me downtown had some wind with it, and maybe enough to make some juice. I wait patiently to see it spin myself!

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