Friday, September 9, 2011

Daily Impact: September 8, 2011

My Daily Impact: September 8, 2011

This is the 17th posting to my blog.

I am writing this in the morning of the 9th as a reflection of what happened yesterday. I met a friend at Ikea for free breakfast, and managed not to use a napkin. Only the plate, cup, fork, and spoon had to be washed. Ikea has done away with the hot sauce because it only comes in small, disposable bottles. They also got rid of the little paper cups that hold ketchup (catsup?). Hooray for them for taking such a bold move. I can bring my own bottle of hot sauce!

Yesterday was a much cooler day; it barely got into the upper 80's! I took advantage of this by doing some much-needed outdoor cleaning. I ran the A/C for about 15 minutes to cool the house from 84 to 81, and then went out for dinner with friends. All of my travels were on the e-scooter, and I used about 150 watt-hours of other's power to charge away from home.

Dinner was a nice surprise. We had not been to Boston Market for quite a while, and there have been some changes. No more plastic plates or utensils if food is eaten on the premises. I had a nice cup of chicken noodle soup eaten from a real bowl with a real spoon. I also took advantage of the free refil for a second half of a bowl.

Here is the good news about yesterday: total grid power use was only 3 KWh. It has been since May 23 that that number was so low. It was cool enough to sleep with the windows open, and they are still open now at 10 AM.

Here is the bad news about yesterday. I ate two slices of bacon for breakfast, and that chicken soup for dinner. This is not a huge impact, but it is an impact none the less.There also has not been any spinning of the windmill. I will again need to just wait for a good wind, and I will get my camera ready when that happens. Too bad that Ned Flanders does not live next door; I could just use his fans to get that thing spinning!

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