Thursday, September 1, 2011

Daily Impact: September 1, 2011

My Daily Impact: September 1, 2011

This is the 13th posting to my blog.

Yesterday afternoon, I rode the Honda over to Aldi because I was out of milk, and I needed some other goodies from them. The 14 mile trip used about 0.12 gallons for about 2.4 pounds of CO2. Later that evening, I rode the e-scooter over to target for some envelopes. They were out of the size I like to use, so I tried the Dollar Tree. They had the same small sizes, but for about 40 cents less. I can make use of these little things eventually.

I could not resist the pull of those 49 cent hamburgers on the way home, and I got four. I ate them all, and then cooked the broccoli which I had just bought at Aldi for a buck. It turned out to be a lot of food, and I went to bed very full.

Total grid energy use was 11 KWh. This number was lowered through the cooling rain in the afternoon.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Now that I have fresh milk in the house, I could have my usual cereal. I did not have any bananas in the house, so I will have to get them on my way home this evening. I put out two plastic grocery bags of trash for the week. Because I east out so often, this is actually a little above average. I would like to see only one trash pick-up per week instead of the two we have now. I would also like to see our recycling and yard waste alternate weeks for pick-up. This would eliminate half of the trips made just to pick up trash. I know that this would not work for a large family; my neighbors fill a huge trash can twice a week.

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my wind generator. I have most of the stuff needed to mount it to my chimney, and I look forward to having the extra power. With all of the rain we have had this week, I also would like to catch some of the power of that water falling from my roof into the rain barrels. I have noticed some pretty strong flows the past few days.

As a mad environmental scientist, I have several ideas for new projects. I will share these as they come to fruition!

Two of my rain barrels attached to the gutter for the carport

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