Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Daily Impact January 3 and 4, 2012

This is post number 41.

The new year is starting off cold. It is the perfect time to try out the solar space heater, and the results are good. I can run the fan on high between 10 AM and Noon, and at reduced speeds at other times, and it keeps the house nice during the day. The high yesterday was about 50, and the house got up to about 70, and stayed there until evening. This is a great result from a box that cost less than $ 100.00 to build.

There was a good, steady wind Monday night and most of the day yesterday, and I got confirmation that the wind generator works. By 11:00 the batteries were completely full, and I had to find ways to use the excess power for an hour or so. A grid-tied system does not have this issue, but I like the thought of having power even if the grid is down.

Food wise, I am doing better to eat local food. I had some nice Florida squash and onions last night, but then had packaged bar-b-q chicken with it. Progress, not perfection! I was treated to a nice mushroom and onion omelet yesterday courtesy of my neighbor Peggy. She also made fried sweet potatoes, and it was all yummy.

Today it is off to Ikea for breakfast with my friend Michael. I will still have the bacon, but will ride the e-scooter over there to try to offset that a little.

Stay warm!

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